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UPPO Announces 2019/20 Committee Chairs

Wednesday, April 3, 2019   (0 Comments)

With the start of a new fiscal and membership year, UPPO is pleased to announce the committee and subcommittee chairs for 2019/20.  


Bylaws and Governance Committee

Carla McGlynn

Heela Popal

Dana Terry


Certificate Program Committee

Nina Renda

Jason Higginbotham


Certificate On-Demand Subcommittee

Ann Fulmer


Conference & Seminars Committee

William King

Leigh Underwood

Emily Ford


Ethics Committee

Carla McGlynn

Heela Popal

Dana Terry


Finance Committee

David Glad

Suzy Emre


Government Relations & Advocacy Committee

Tom Powers

Sara Lima

Diann Smith


Leadership Development Committee

Robert Joseph 

Pam Wentz


Member Services Committee

Cherish Simmons

Sonja Roman-Molina

Sherri Prybysz


Nominating Committee

Josh Labrensz


Claimants Representative Committee

David Knott

Randy Hotz


Scholarship Committee

Cathleen Bucholtz

Michael Unger


Virtual Learning: Free-live Committee

Yudit Freda


Virtual Learning: Paid-live Committee

Derek Young


Holders Coalition

Karen Anderson

Dana Terry


Thank you to all of these dedicated UPPO members for volunteering to lead our committees this year. If you're interested in serving on a committee, please indicate your interest through the volunteer interest form.


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