UPPO Annual Conference

March 23-26, 2025
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa, Tucson, Arizona

About The Event

About The Event

The UPPO Annual Conference is the premier event for professionals responsible for unclaimed property.

The conference integrates networking and premier education into every aspect of the agenda, providing attendees with the information and connections needed to minimize their companies' risk, and achieve and sustain compliance with unclaimed property laws and regulations.


JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa, Tucson, Arizonas


March 23-26, 2025


Early-bird registration: Aug. 27, 2024 – Jan. 17, 2025
Regular registration: Jan. 18 – Feb. 21, 2025
Onsite registration: March 23 – 25, 2025

Early-Bird Rates

  • Member*: $999
  • Member additional attendee: $979
  • Nonmember: $1,369
  • State administrator: $999
  • Guest**: $499

Regular Rates

  • Member*: $1,099
  • Member additional attendee: $1,079
  • Nonmember: $1,499
  • State administrator: $1,099
  • Guest**: $599

Onsite Rates

  • Member*: $1,129
  • Nonmember: $1,619
  • State administrator: $1,129
  • Guest**: $699


Our agenda features four educational tracks, industry-specific education and networking opportunities in social and professional settings.

Download the conference agenda PDF
Choose your education track
Get tips for requesting approval to attend

Specialized knowledge codes:
A – Audit/enforcement
C – Compliance
L – Legal
N – Networking
PD – Personal Development
R – Asset Recovery
T – Information Technology

Note: "A" does not indicate a CPE audit category.


This is My First Rodeo: Unclaimed Property 101

Kick off the conference by learning about the basics of unclaimed property and getting the most out of the conference. (C)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Why Unclaimed Property Matters to Management Basic

Learn how to identify key stakeholders, communicate the importance of unclaimed property to your company's financial statements and SOX compliance, and gain management buy-in and continued support. (Basic Certificate Program Session) (C, PD)

Exemptions and Deductions Intermediate

Learn how to identify possible exemptions, deferrals and deductions that allow holders to reduce their unclaimed property reporting liability. (C)

Ethics: More Prickly Than a Cactus Advanced

Examine ethical obligations when deploying emerging technologies in unclaimed property. (L, PD) (This session may be eligible for one hour of general ethics CLE)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Priority Rules Basic

Learn about which states' rules apply to unclaimed property, what exactly constitutes an address for reporting, and exceptions and additions to the rules set forth in state and federal laws. (Basic Certificate Program Session) (C)

Desert Shield: Safeguarding Against Fraud Intermediate

Hear from states, claimant representatives and holders how they identify and prevent pre- and post-escheat fraud. (C, R)

Harnessing Emerging Technologies Advanced

Learn from experts how to revolutionize your unclaimed property program by implementing automation and AI technologies. (C, T)

First-Time Attendee Reception (by invitation only)

Join other first-time conference attendees and UPPO leaders as your annual conference journey begins. (N)

Welcome Reception (N)

Breakfast (N)

Welcome UPPO

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Unclaimed Property Definitions Round-Up Basic

Learn to speak escheat like a pro. This session will cover common terms and definitions specific to the unclaimed property industry. (C)

The New Frontier: Unclaimed Property in the Digital Age Intermediate

Delve into the world of unclaimed property in the digital age and explore how different states handle this important issue. Explore their varying laws, due diligence requirements, and reporting and payment methods. (C, T)

It's Getting Hot in Here – Litigation Update Advanced

Examine recent decisions and pending litigation affecting unclaimed property administration and enforcement. (L)

Industry Focus: Securities Special Focus

Take a deep dive into triggers, regulatory considerations, liquidation concerns, and reporting and delivery of securities and mutual funds. (A, C, L)

Morning Break (N)

Industry Breakouts

Network, discuss industry-specific issues, benchmark and collaborate with your peers on topics affecting your industry during these facilitator-led sessions. Industries: Banking/Finance/FinTech, Securities/Mutual Funds/Broker Dealers/Transfer Agents, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Energy, Healthcare Providers and Insurers, Non-industry-Specific, Claimant Representatives (Closed to State Administrators), and State Representatives (Closed to Holders and Advocates). (A, C, L, N, PD, R)

Lunch and Association Meeting (N)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Pre-escheat Owner Location Basic

Learn methods to reunite owners with their property before it becomes unclaimed property by starting outreach early. (C)

What is Contact? Intermediate

Companies interact with owners and heirs in a multitude of ways. Learn about the types of contact and activity accepted by States as well as methods to maintain accounts and customer relationships. (C, L)

Retirement Accounts: Breaking Down the Complexities Advanced

Analysis and reporting of retirement products is often a challenging task. In this session, we will tackle dormancy triggers, eligibility requirements, tax withholding, and other nuances of retirement products. (C, L)

Industry Focus: Oil and Gas Special Focus

Take a deep dive into mineral interest reporting issues, including production/last activity dates, JIB, suspense codes and current-to-pay. (A, C, L)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Talk Legal to Me Basic

Learn about legal concepts common in unclaimed property, such as private escheat, derivative rights and anti-limitations clauses to gain an understanding of key issues frequently at the heart of litigation and enforcement disputes. (L)

Midnight at the Oasis: Owner Death Intermediate

Understand how property owner death affects holder obligations and compliance. (A, C, L)

Navigating the Rugged Card Landscape Advanced

Learn the challenges and nuances of reporting gift, stored-value, loyalty, pre-paid and payroll cards. (C, L)

Industry Focus: Healthcare Special Focus

Take a deep dive into self-pay, contractual adjustments, double billing, HIPAA, insurance, recoupment and small balance write-offs. (A, C, L)

Afternoon Break (N)

Common Reporting Issues from the States' Perspective

Hear from state administrators about the most common reporting issues they encounter and suggested best practices to avoid rejection. (C)

Scholarship Program Event (N)

Claimant Representatives and State Administrators Reception (N) (by invitation only)

Breakfast (N)

Common Audit Issues

Hear from state administrators and holder advocates about the most common audit issues they encounter and suggested best practices. (A)

Morning Break (N)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Home, Home on the Range: When is an Address an Address? Basic

Get best practices for determining last-known address for purposes of due diligence and escheat priority. (C, L)

Chasing Tumbleweeds: Overcoming Hurdles in Asset Recovery: Intermediate

Find out what an asset recovery initiative may entail and methods to boost the chances of recovering property that was escheated in your company's name. (R)

Trailblazing Audit Strategies Advanced

Examine various methodologies a company may encounter while under audit, and discuss strategies to achieve successful outcomes. (Closed to State Administrators) (A)

Industry Focus: Banking – Audits Special Focus

Take a deep dive into examinations conducted by states and third-party auditors in the banking space. (Closed to State Administrators) (A)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

The Pony Express in the Wild West: Due Diligence Basic

Understand the critical objectives, steps and deadlines of a successful due diligence program. Obtain tips to structure due diligence letters and increase response rates. Explore exceptions to due diligence requirements. (C)

Distant Horizon: Navigating Canadian Unclaimed Property Laws Intermediate

Understand your obligations for reporting unclaimed property in Canada. (C)

Wrangling the Numbers: Strategic Sampling Advanced

Examine about the types of statistical and nonstatistical samples, their application in unclaimed property, and how the makeup of your populations plays a role in choosing sample methodologies. (A)

Industry Focus: Banking – Safe Deposit Boxes Special Focus

Take a deep dive into the lifecycle of reporting safe deposit boxes from drilling and taking inventory to reporting and remitting. (C)


Sit with those in your industry. (N)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Policies and Procedures Basic

Learn to develop or enhance written policies and procedures for minimizing risk and ensuring compliance. (C)

The Prickly Pear: Penalties and Interest Intermediate

Discuss ways to limit potentially steep penalties and interest on late-filed property, including strategies related to voluntary disclosures and initial filings. (C)

Hold Your Horses: When Unclaimed Property Law is Preempted Advanced

Federal laws may affect your unclaimed property compliance program. Explore the concept of preemption and its effect on unclaimed property through examples including bankruptcies and ERISA. (C, L)

Industry Focus: Banking – Compliance Special Focus

Take a deep dive into unclaimed property compliance along with policies and procedures best practices. (C)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

Reporting and Remitting Basic

Discuss state-required formats, upload methods, remittance options, and best practices and tips for a successful reporting season. Learn about resources available to assist in your reporting efforts. (C)

Safe in the Saddle: Privacy and Confidentiality Intermediate

Explore laws and regulations related to information security and the handling of personal identifying information in unclaimed property compliance and enforcement. Learn strategies for protecting confidential information. (C, L, T)

Legislative Update Advanced

Get up-to-date on recently introduced and enacted legislation. (A, C, L)

Industry Focus: Fintech Special Focus

Take a deep dive into how financial institutions and fintechs are working together to navigate the escheatment process. (C)

Afternoon Break (N)

Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

The Sheriffs are in Town Basic

Get answers to your burning unclaimed property questions from a panel of seasoned professionals. (A, C, L)

Unraveling the Mysteries of Estimation Intermediate

Examine estimation methodologies to understand what drives unclaimed property assessments. Discuss key elements and important areas of note to make your estimated liability as representative of your liability as possible. (A, C)

After the Dust Settles: Post-Merger and Acquisition Considerations Advanced

Explore logistics to consider and challenges to overcome when integrating an entity into your unclaimed property program post-merger or acquisition. (C, L)

Industry Focus: Life Insurance Special Focus

Take a deep dive into audit trends and compliance changes affecting the life insurance industry. (A, C, L)

Tequila Toast on Salud Patio (N)

Conference Event on Starr Circle (N)


Concurrent Sessions
(choose one)

DEI – Desert Diplomacy: Cultivating Courageous Conversations Basic

Learn to create a more inclusive and respectful work environment when collaborating across generations, identities, etc. by practicing effective communication. (PD)

State Spotlight: Delaware Enforcement Efforts Intermediate

Hear from state administrators about enforcement efforts, including verified report process, compliance reviews, VDAs and audits. (A, C, L)

Left Holding the Bag: TPA/Multi-party Business Arrangements Advanced

Explore whether your company, your TPA/business partner or both are responsible for unclaimed property compliance duties. (A, C)

Brunch (N)


JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa, Tucson, Arizona

Stay at JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa, the home base of the 2025 UPPO Annual Conference. Price per night: $249 + hotel room and occupancy tax on 3/22-3/26

Rooms in the UPPO room block are limited. We recommend booking as soon as possible. To avoid a one-night's room and tax charge, reservations must be cancelled at least three (3) days prior to scheduled arrival. Deadline to reserve a room is 5 p.m. on Feb. 19, 2025, or until the UPPO room block is filled.

Book Online or call 888-527-8989


Event 1

Welcome Reception

Sunday, March 23; 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Kick-off the conference with a social event to meet fellow attendees, and discuss compliance solutions with exhibitors. Appetizers and drinks will be served.

Event 2

Scholarship Program Event

Monday, March 24; 5 - 5:45 p.m.
Support the UPPO Scholarship Program by enjoying a Native American Hoop Dance performance. Skilled dancers will use multiple hoops to create symbolic shapes and formations representing animals, nature and the circle of life.
Cost/person: $40

Event 3

Tuesday Evening Event

Tuesday, March 25; 6:30 - 10 p.m.
Join UPPO for food, drinks and good times on Starr Circle.

CPE & CLE Credits

CPE Credits

Max. of 15 CPE credits

  • Max. of 13 CPE credits in Management Services
  • Max. of 2 CPE credits in Auditing
  • Max. of 9 CPE credits in Specialized Knowledge
  • Max. of 1 CPE credit in Behavioral Ethics

Element of Engagement will include ten minutes of Q&A during each session.

Official registry statement: Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website www.nasbaregistry.org

Additional information about CPE credits at the Annual Conference.

Questions, suggestions, or formal concerns? Contact us at (763) 253-4340 or uppo@uppo.org.

CLE Credits

UPPO will be applying for CLE credit for attendees that complete the following requirements by Dec. 13, 2024:

  • Register and pay for their conference registration
  • During registration, provide the following information:
  • Select the state in which you require CLE credit
  • Provide Court ID or ARDC Number

For those that qualify for CLE and have a financial hardship, please contact the UPPO office at uppo@uppo.org or (763) 253-4340 to receive information regarding the CLE financial aid policy. The policy is a CLE credit requirement for the states of New York and Illinois.

Extension of the Dec. 13, 2024, deadline will not be granted.

Questions, suggestions or formal concerns? Contact us at (763) 253-4340 or uppo@uppo.org.

Exhibit & Sponsor

Increase Brand Awareness at the UPPO Annual Conference

The UPPO Annual Conference is the largest gathering of unclaimed property professionals in the U.S.
You'll increase brand awareness and efficiently build relationships by supporting the conference.
View 2025 UPPO Annual Conference sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

Questions? Contact Brianne Scott, brianne@uppo.org

Corporate Sponsors

The UPPO Annual Conference is supported, in part, by our corporate sponsors:

Future Conferences

Future 2

2026 UPPO Annual Conference

March 15-18, 2026
San Antonio, Texas
Marriott Rivercenter

Future 3

2027 UPPO Annual Conference

March 7-10, 2027
Atlanta, Georgia
Hyatt Regency Atlanta

Future 4

2028 UPPO Annual Conference

March 5-8, 2028
Dallas, Texas
Sheraton Dallas Hotel

Frequently Asked Questions

  • UPPO will refund program registration fees in full for registration cancellations submitted in writing to uppo@uppo.org by Feb. 21, 2025. Cancellations received after Feb. 21, 2025, are not refundable. Substitutions are allowed through March 5, 2025. Please submit a written request using this form. If a nonmember is substituted for a member, they will be charged the difference in pricing between the member and non-member rates. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that substitution.

  • Onsite registrants wishing to receive member rates must be listed and active on their company's membership prior to arrival, so please verify your membership status before traveling.

  • Registration includes the welcome reception, all educational sessions, Breakfast, lunch, breaks, and tequila toast on Monday & Tuesday, Closing event on Tuesday evening, and brunch on Wednesday. No travel or accommodations are included.

  • Guests are spouses/partners, family and friends of attendees who are not UPPO members, are not eligible for membership and are attending the conference in a social capacity only. Industry professionals must register at the attendee rates. The guest registration includes the Tuesday evening event, reception and meals. It does not include educational sessions.

  • JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa's website provides current parking rates and answers to other common resort questions. See the Property Details and Frequently Asked Questions sections on the homepage.