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UPPO Webinar: Wishing you a Prosperous New Year, New Money! Tips and Tricks for Asset Recovery
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This webinar will discuss strategies to create an unclaimed property search and submittal process for your organization. Discussions will include key processes for researching any potential claims that exist for your organization and submitting effective claims to states as well as common options to outsource that work. Cost: Included with membership. One CPE credit is available.

 Export to Your Calendar 1/23/2025
When: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
1 - 2 p.m. Eastern
Where: Zoom
United States
Presenter: Barrie Saltzman, First Citizen Bank and John Waite, DuCharme, McMillen & Associates
Contact: UPPO

Online registration is available until: 1/23/2025
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This webinar will discuss strategies to create an unclaimed property search and submittal process for your organization. Discussions will include key processes for researching any potential claims that exist for your organization and submitting effective claims to states as well as common options to outsource that work. Discussing the process of submitting claims should also give deeper understanding of the overall unclaimed property process from both the holder and the owner’s perspective.


Learning Objectives:

  • Provide strategies for identifying and claiming funds – including corporate structure, locations, and property types.
  • Understand the requirements of submitting claims on behalf of your organization.
  • Recognize important considerations to streamline efficiency of submitting claims for complicated corporate structures.


CPE credits

For webinars eligible for CPE credit, you must have your own connection to be eligible to receive the CPE credit.  You are welcome to train multiple employees in one location with only one webinar connection.  One CPE credit is available per connection, upon completion of the webinar and answering of the polling questions.


Additional information regarding CPE credits for UPPO webinars



Official registry statement: Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.  State boards of accountability have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.  Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:


Questions, suggestions, or formal concerns? Contact us at (763) 253-4340 or

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